H is for the big title, g is for the text

More H

h1 is bigger, h2 is smaller.

like this

like this

like this

and on
last one!

u1 means list will be start

li means list. It goes to head and tail of the text

  1. first thing
  2. second thing
  3. third thing
  4. fourth thing

ol means list will be start

you can still use li

important website to check for computer science class website

when you add image, type (img src="and your picture name")

when you add website, type (a href="and your website name") and write something(/a) like this.

html is for structure, content, css is for style, and look.

to get this job done, go ro dashboard and make css type file. ex) blabla.css and code h1, and add { on the next line, type color: and choose the color you want : and go to next line and type } to close.

After done with these steps, go to you code that you want to add style, and code (link rel="stlyesheet: href="blabla.css") on the top of all the codes.

you can also control your size of the image on your site by typing width="number" and height="number" inside the ()

what is it like make the text bold? practicing italicize

at least 3 images website should be in index.html do grammer check