This is how the piano looks like!
Let's look at it more closer.
The modern full-sized piano or standard grand piano have 88 keys in total.
The keys are divided into 52 white tile, and 36 black tile.
These are white tiles! These are black tiles!
We use alphabet to name the white tiles.
For the black tiles, we use two special name after alphabet.
For example, we say C# as C sharp, and Cb as C flat.
If we go to black tile on the downside of the C, we call it C sharp.
Similary, if we go to black tile on upside of the C, we call it C flat.
In order to play chord, we need only three fingers for each hand.
The first chord we are going to learn is a C chord!
Let's go step by step!
To play more Chord, for example D chord, you just need to move your fingers to right by 1 tile.
Please check this website to learn more piano chord!